What to Consider When Planning a Scalable Channel Program (Lee Gladish)

*This course is being recorded the week of November 28th (to be published by Nov 30th).


Now you have our tips and strategies for building an agency-focused partner program. What’s left is to launch your program. In this class, Lee Gladish, Former Co-Founder of Reply.io and now CEO at Airborne app.io shows us what we’ll need to plan for a scalable channel program.  

At Reply, 35% of revenue attributed to their partners and the program Lee built. 

Who is Lee: Lee is the co-founder of Reply.io and former sales leader at companies like Netsuite, and  has launched multiple channel programs. He is a sales and cold outreach expert who has built an incredibly-successful partner program using these strategies.


  1. Why you need to treat partner program development like sales strategy...
  2. When and why you need buyout clauses...
  3. What can go wrong when your program gains traction and you try to bring sales into the onboarding process for new partners…
  4. What to expect to take on as the person proving this program out.

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